Thursday, November 04, 2010

Halloween Fun

The Erickson 5 All dressed up for the Costume Party!
Happy Halloween!  The Erickson 5 has had a weekend full of Halloween fun.  This year in our new neighborhood, we were strongly encouraged by all our sweet neighbors that it was time to do a haunted Cul De Sac!  Booooooooo!  It was a blast and turned out so cool and fun.
Nicole the Witch! 
On Saturday night we were invited to a costume party at one of our new neighbors house.  The kids go to school with their daughter and they are a fun family.  The party was a blast and Mrs. C did such a great job with making Halloween creative food and drinks. The games were a blast and the spooky Haunted trail through the woods was a crowd pleaser with the kids.
The Girls of the Neighborhood
On Sunday, we got invited to go to a pizza party and trick or treating on a wagon pulled by an ATV with a bunch of the neighborhood families.  This was so much fun and the kids had a blast trick or treating with some of their classmates and new friends. 

Carving Pumpkins with the Neighbors

The Wagon!

E, A, and their friend K on the Wagon

K the scary guy with his friend O the Werewolf

E the Witch

A the Snow Princess

Donelle and Joe all dressed up for the Spooky Cul De Sac!
We heard a lot of great comments about how spooky our Cul De Sac was and it was great to get to know some of our neighbors even better.  They really do it up for Halloween and The Erickson 5 cannot wait until next year to do it all over again and most likely bigger and better.  Now the only problem is what to do with all the candy that is sitting at our house....Hmmmmm I better figure it out quick before it is all eaten up by four sugar crazy kids (three small kids and one big kid)!

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