Thursday, August 16, 2007

New Wheels

We have some new wheels here at the Erickson household. A fellow triplet mom is packing up and moving so she sold me these jeeps dirt cheap for the kids. Jon was not thrilled about this idea as he says "It is just one more thing we need to find storage for". However, it was such a deal that I could not pass it up.

So a few nights ago after dinner we headed down to the street to try these out. They are two seaters so one of the kids does not drive but at this point they don't seem to mind. They did pretty good with the Jeeps but they are lacking one major component to driving...STEERING! Jon and I spent a good half hour chasing after these jeeps trying to teach the kids how to steer. We made a little progress but not much. There were a few times when they ran right into the curbs or each other.
I look at it on the bright least they will learn how to steer their toy jeeps and be well practiced for when they hit 16 and have their drivers license. Aside from that, Jon and I will get a good work out chasing after them in the mean time.


The Amazing Trips said...

Woo-hoo ... SCORE!!!

We walked past some of these the other day at Costco (they had a Barbie Jeep) and our trio went NUTS. We are thinking that maybe for their birthday....

I'll have to check back and see how your little drivers are doing!

hi my name is mommy said...

We actually just got two of these handed down from a very nice client of my Husbands...can't wait to see how they do in them. Too Cute!!