Saturday, August 11, 2007

Sunday Mornings

I love to take the kids to church on Sunday mornings! It is so much fun to dress the girls up in one of their many dresses and to fix up their hair. It is also fun to turn KJ into a handsome little man!
I hate to admit this but we do not make it every Sunday to church. This is hard for me as I really do enjoy going. This is something that I really want to work hard at getting better at. The kids might be able to go to Sunday School this fall. I am waiting to hear back on the ages for it. If they can attend Sunday school that will make going to church so much easier for us. Our church does not offer a nursery so when we do go to church the kids sit with us and sometimes it is hard to listen and soak everything in when you are tyring to keep three-three year olds quiet and entertained. My kids are angels in church so this really is not a good excuse but it is still hard, of course not near as hard as Jesus dying on the cross for all so I feel guilty even writing that it is hard to go to church with three-three year olds!
Anyway, I wanted to post some pictures that my friend Sue took of the kids after church a few weeks back. I just love how dressed up they are!

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