Monday, April 07, 2008

Blast From The Past in Photos

Grandma Mary just got a new computer so I was helping her get it all set up the other day. We downloaded a bunch of pictures from her camera onto her new computer and she had some photos from about 3 years ago. These pictures really brought back some memories.

I decided to share a few on my blog because it is so amazing to look back at these. For me it is hard to remember my three "babies" as they are getting so big now. In some ways I miss this stage and it is bittersweet to know that my kids are not babies anymore. In some ways, I don't miss these days because life is so much easier with the kids helping themselves a little more now.
Before I had kids, I always used to ask my friends and family who were parents what their favorite age group was with their kids. Now that I have my kids I realize that there is not really an easy answer to this question. So far I have loved every stage and with each new stage it brings new joys and new concerns.
I would say that so far the most challenging stage for us aside from newborn, has been the threes. What an incredibly awesome but challenging age three can be. It is the age where your kids turn into little people but yet they still need a lot of direction that they don't think they need.
I have come to discover that parenting at every stage is challenging but always very rewarding. What an awesome gift to have children and raise them in this wild and crazy world.
Just as I tell all my family, friends, and even strangers, if I were given the chance to go back and change anything...I would not change a thing. God blessed me more than I ever could have hoped for with these amazing children. Yes, I lose my cool and think I suck at parenting at least once or twice a day but in the end as I lay my head down on the pillow at night my heart is full and I Thank God for this amazing experience.


Anonymous said...


You and John are amazing parents!! I can't believe how big the kids have gotten! Miss you all!

Anonymous said...

Hey Babe,

You are the BEST mommy in the world, always looking out and providing the best of everything to the kids (and then me ;)).

I can't wait to get home and yes Kendrick, I miss you (and everyone).

See you soon,
