Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Little Bakers

As I have mentioned before, our good friends Sue and Denny like to have play dates with the triplets. This past Sunday was one of those play dates. This is such a blessing for all of us as Sue and Denny have the patients to do things with the triplets such as baking. They are always making cookies, bars, their own lunch, dinner, and lots of fun stuff.

When I went to pick the kids up on Sunday they had baked some bread. Sue said they all did a great job and when she turned around after they were done and it was time to clean up, Aimee was licking all of her fingers. She has learned that dough tastes soooo good. Hopefully she won't get any worms! With the influence of Sue with her baking and Grandma Mary with her cooking maybe I will have some chefs some day. I need to spend some more time in the kitchen doing some cooking. Although, from the looks of it these kids will be able to make Jon and I dinner in no time!
Both Jon and I are happy that these guys get the exposure to these kinds of things. I know the kids really enjoy it as just tonight Ella came up to look at these pictures and she told me all about her bread making experience. She said it was fun and that her fingers got all sticky! Oh and Sue, if you are reading this, we ate the bread with dinner the other night and it was yummy! Thanks a bunch!

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