Monday, October 11, 2010

A Perfect Ten

Yesterday, was the perfect kind of day.  It all started out when we arrived at church in the morning.  I dropped the kids off for their first day of Sunday School and I headed to Mass.  Much to my surprise, it was the anointing of the sick. As you recall last year, I blogged about this same Sunday at church. 

As it was such an amazing experience last year, It was again this year for me.  I was alone in church again as Jon was out of town but when they asked those who wished to be anointed to stand, there were people all around me who held out their hands and some even placed their hands one me.  Again, I felt the spirit moving through my body.  It was incredible and I thank God for such an amazing experience.
After Mass, I picked up the kids from Sunday School and we headed out to enjoy such a beautiful day.  The weather really has been spectacular this past week and it looks like we will continue to have such great weather for another week or so.  It is great to see the sun everyday and get some good Vitamin D.  The kids are loving it too. 

Later in the day we met some of our favorite friends and went to the movie the Alpha and Omega. Such a good movie with a great message.  The kids really enjoyed that. 

We ended our day picking up one of our most favorite people, Grandma Mary, at the airport.  She was thrilled to see us and we were equally as thrilled to see her.  E told Grandma Mary that she really really really loved her and then followed that up with she really really really meant it.  What a homecoming for Grandma Mary! 

It was the perfect Ten Kind of a day which seems so appropriate for 10/10/10! 

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