Wednesday, September 13, 2006

School on Fridays

After much debate Jon and I decided to enroll the kids in a daycare for Fridays. We call it "school" around here and we bought the kids new backpacks to take to school with them. It is so cute to watch them march around the house with their new backpacks on. They are so proud. They always want you to fill their backpacks up with toys. One day E wanted so much stuff in her backpack that she almost fell over backwards. It is really cute. Of course for school we put their blankets and binkers in their bags so they have them for nap time.

Last Friday was there first day of school. Unfortunately K was not able to attend as he had a high fever. We took the picture above as the girls and daddy were off to school. Of course K did not want to be left out. I LOVE this picture and I just had to share. We are hoping that everyone is healthy on this coming Friday so they can all go to school together.

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