Friday, September 08, 2006

Virgin Blogger

Here is a picture of my 4 favorite people, my wonderful Husband, Jon, and my 3 beautiful miracles, A, K, and E who were all born on the same day!
So I have no idea why I decided to start this blog thing at this point as I just got home from school where I am currently starting to work on my Thesis and I will be bogged down for the next 3.5 months with working on that. Oh well. This may be my outlet.
So life is crazy in this house. I have 2 year old triplets, a husband who travels everyother week for his job, I work two days a week, my husband is working on his MBA and if that is not all enough for you I am working on my Thesis! Life is going to be crazy but my motto is "What doesn't kill me only makes me stronger"!

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