Thursday, February 22, 2007


I would like to share some of our laughs this past week:

E told her daddy that she LOVES Bob (the builder)and she was very dramatic about it and told him over and over. So Daddy asked Ella if she was going to marry Bob and she exclaimed "YES I AM" (I guess we better get saving now!)

E crawled into bed the other morning with her daddy and let out a fart that lasted more than the average. She then giggled so Daddy asked her if she farted and she said "for a minute" and laughed and laughed!

The other night I was warning E to be careful as she was sitting on a stool. She looked up at me and said "so I don't poke my eye out mommy".

When I got home from work today E told me that she talked to GG DEL on the phone and when I asked her what she said to GG DEL she told me that she told her "to get here now to play" then she told her "be good GG Del".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok that's too funny!!!! Reminds me of yesterday when I asked Leah if she'd get Siri some socks and she said " but I don't have 4 hands!!!" In a very matter of fact voice!!! Sometimes i think they listen too well and other times they don't listen at all! :)