Thursday, November 01, 2007

Happy Halloween 2007!

We had so much fun this Halloween. It all started with our good friend Jane coming over with a pumpkin shaped pizza for dinner. After dinner we got the kids all ready to go in our "Barnyard" themed costumes. The kids loved being the animals and if you asked them to do a trick them would make the animal sounds. It was pretty cute.

We were lucky enough to have daddy home with us this year. Since our good friend Jane came over both Jon and I were able to go trick or treating with the kids. We left the house with out a plan and we ended up going all the way down the block and back up trick or treating. The kids loved it. We were out until 8:20 PM!!! Both Jon and I had no idea that it was so late.

Holidays with the kids are getting to be more fun every year. It was a blast to watch them get so excited and run from house to house. They also loved to hand out candy to the kids that came to our house.

Favorite memories...

Last night at dinner, the kids were talking about sharing their candy with each other. Then KJ pipes up from the end of the table and says:

"Aimee and Ella, You can't share your candy with me because I am a grumpy old troll"!

We all had a good laugh about that one.

There were a few houses that we went to and the person answering the door would say "oh you are the best costumes yet, I have to go get my husband/wife to have them see this"! This always makes a mother feel good!

Another house we went to the lady went crazy over the kids. It was a lot of fun!

The kids have been talking about the big blow up pumpkin and ghost that the neighbors have in their yard. They have been up for a few weeks now. Last night all three of them ran right up to them and gave the blow ups big hugs! KJ announced "These are our friends"

Now I just need to figure out what to do with all of the candy....

1 comment:

The Amazing Trips said...

hey!! nice looking chicken!!

they all look so adorable!