Wednesday, March 05, 2008


This is the number of posts that I have done on this blog. I cannot believe that I am already at 260!!! I was amazed when I noticed that number today.

I get such mixed emotions about this blog. Some people think I am crazy for doing it, some people love it and talk to me about it all the time. I get nervous about who is reading it and exposing my family to harm because of it but then I remind myself that I am careful about what I put on my blog. I use this blog as a way to look back and show my kids what activities we did when they were small. To give them a glimpse of how we raised triplets and stayed sane. I really wish my mom would have had a "blog" when I was growing up. It would be great to look back and see all the activities and have a glimpse of "our" world through her eyes. I guess I don't necessarily need to make all of this "public" but knowing I have an audience makes me stay devoted to posting on this blog. It is kind of like when you are on a diet and you have to get on a scale for someone else to see.

This blog has become an outlet for me. It helps me to reflect on what is going on in my life and in my family's life. I have thought about changing the blog name and making it even more private which I might do one of these days but for now I am going to keep plugging away at this one. If nothing else just to remind me of where we have been and reflect on what we have going on now.

The other day Jon said he ran into one of our neighbors at the Gym. She told him that she really enjoyed the blog and that he must be a great husband and father because I write so highly of him. So for that are right. Jon is an awesome husband and father and even though he did not say much about it, I am sure it made him feel great that you took notice.

To my fellow blog readers! Please comment one of these days so I know my audience!!! How about if I say Pretty Please with sugar on top!!!! I would love to beat my old comment record of 7 comments!

So 260 and I am still plugging away. Who would have thunk it that night long ago when I started this blog journey. My only regret is not starting it earlier!


Laura said...

I wish I would have started earlier,too. I am sure your kids will be thrilled with it either way.

Kelli said...

i really wish I would have started my blog earlier too! I started when my trio were around 10 months old, but I would have loved to have started when I was pregnant.

I recently started reading your blog, and I love that your triplets are a couple of years older, because I can get a glimpse of what is to come.

I really loved your "God Speaks" post, very touching, and I can relate.

the pictures at the birthday party doing gymnastics are SO CUTE! I am definitely looking forward to when I can take my boys to parties!

Take care,

Anonymous said...


Wendy here - Stacey's friend from college! I read your blog - it's in my Google reader so I always know when you have a new post. I love reading what you write - you are so positive! There have been several times where you really make me stop and think - and change my attitude about motherhood. Yes, it's hard but I need to try to see the positive more often. So thank you for writing! :)


PS I also really loved your God speaks post. That one really hit home for me.

Anonymous said...

I'm still here reading! They're getting so grown up :( I remember when they were 8 months old... I love all the awesome stories about the things they do now!!! It makes me feel like i'm right there living it thru you! ( that may sound crazy!) Miss you all!!

Anonymous said...


You do such a great job and I love reading about the kids all the time.

You always did share your feelings so freely, that is such a good thing.

Your writing skills did not come from me but I know I had a aunt on my dads side (aunt Gwen) and she was a great writer, maybe it came from her.


MaryBeth said...

Sorry to comment so long after this was posted, but knowing how much I love it when lurkers comment on my blog I thought I'd risk being late.

I too wish I'd started my blog earlier. My oldest is 3 and my little gals are 19 months, and I have almost been blogging for a year now... one year in May.

I really enjoyed reading through some of your posts tonight. I'll bookmark your site and check back in when I have more time.