Monday, March 31, 2008

Typical Sunday

I decided it was time to talk about what we typically do on Sundays. We belong to the same church as my parents and my brother. My parents like to go to 7:30 AM mass. I know you will all think I am crazy when I tell you that we meet my parents at church for 7:30 AM mass. However, I should tell you that the only way that this can happen is for one, two, or all three of the kids sleeping at Grandma and Grandpa's house the night before. If Jon happens to be out town then I will sleep at Grandma and Grandpa's house too.
If you can believe it, there are some advantages to going to church so early. First, early mass is a shorter service so instead of the kids sitting through an hour or more of church, it is about a half hour. Second, since we go so early, they are very good about snacking on their cheerios and juice during church and this keeps they quiet and still. Third, since we go to church so early, when we head out to one of our favorite breakfast spots, there is never a wait for us.
Usually after church they have refreshments in the back which includes doughnuts, juice, and coffee. If the kids are good in church then after they get to pick out a doughnut to have. Also, when Grandma and Grandpa are in charge of the refreshments, they love to help get the room all set up. Grandpa has been taking them one at a time to the bakery before church to help pick up the doughnuts. They LOVE to do this with Grandpa. After they eat their doughnuts we then get the broom and dust pan and sweep up our mess. The picture above shows the kids at work cleaning up their mess. Usually there is a big fight over the broom. After church we head out for breakfast at one of the local restaurants. We all really enjoy this.
After we are done with all of our morning activities, we usually head over to our friends Sue and Denny's house. They like to take the kids for us on Sundays. The kids love to be at their house and Sue does so many fun things with kids. It is a blessing to have them in our lives to give us all a break once in awhile. The kids love to go because Sue usually has something fun planned to do with the kids.
While Sue and Denny have the kids this is usually when I get the grocery shopping, laundry, and errands run with out three little people with me. Having that time really helps all of us out a lot. I usually pick the kids up around dinner time and then we head over to Grandpa and Grandma's house for Sunday night dinner. Grandma Mary is an awesome cook so we all enjoy her dinners. Usually Uncle Tony and our good friend Jane are there too.
Sunday's are great days. We all enjoy them and we have been getting to church a lot this year. I love that as the homily usually gives good reminders for life and how to live.

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