Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Rain Boots Are Our Friend!

Today's weather was very nice so I insisted that we all get outside to enjoy the somewhat warm weather. The kids were so excited and not only found their rain boots but put them on instantly. Then they insisted that they wear their rain coats. I love the rain coats so I was cool with them wearing them even though the sun was out and shining brightly.

Once we got outside they LOVED running through and stomping in the puddles. We took a long walk and found some really big puddles for them to run through. They were all soaking wet by the time we got back home but they sure had a great time.We stopped and visited one of our neighbors and they were so polite and good. He had some gifts for them and they were thrilled. Especially KJ because it was a "Boy" necklace with a scorpion on it. So boyish and just what he needed.I love days like this. Spring is in the air and that is so exciting.

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