Sunday, April 26, 2009

4 Going on 14!

Grandma Mary was over one morning last week watching the kids so I could go to a much needed Doctor appointment. One of K's little friends was going to come over to play that morning and the friends mom was fine with dropping him off while Grandma Mary was here so he was still able to come over. Grandma reported that E picked out a fancy outfit and then E asked Grandma to fix up here hair. She was all dolled up for the day.
Soon after E was finished prepping for the day, Grandma announced that K's friend had arrived. She said A tore down the stairs with her hair a mess and E tore into the bathroom, jumped up on the stool checked out her teeth and then her hair and then tore downstairs to say hi to K's friend. Grandma said it was all she could do not to laugh and little miss E. WOW...we are 4 going on 14 in this house. I had no idea it started that young!

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