Friday, September 22, 2006

My Baby C

K was baby C when we were pregnant. Initially we were told that Baby C did not have a good chance at making it as the embryo was smaller and odd shaped. Of course this really freaked Jon and I out until we met with the specialist and she told us all was normal. Sometimes I will still think about that and I am so grateful all was fine with K as I could not imagine life without my baby boy! I feel so lucky to be able to experience raising both a boy and girls. K is definitely different than his sisters but he depends on them so much.

K was a good baby and always willing to smile for the camera. He was the first of the three that I ever held. I will never forget that moment when they placed him in my arms and I thought he was perfect in every way. I just could not believe that aside from that perfect little baby boy I also had two perfect little baby girls. WOW! I realize now more than I even did then what a true miracle from God.

I used to call K my budder boo but my dad (Grandpa A) grew up with a nick name he did not care for so he put an end to that quickly. Now I just call him my buddy! K is a sensitive little boy. I am not sure if that is because he has two sisters or if it is just his nature. Jon claims he is going to toughen him up. I just laugh.

K is the most talkative of the three. He really likes to talk and LOUD. The other night we were driving home from a play date with another triplet family. K was pretty wound up so he was talking really loud. Jon told the kids to close their eyes and relax. So the van got really quiet for about 5 seconds and then K exclaimed in a loud voice..."I did it daddy, I did it" . Jon and I just laughed. K loves to do something for himself these days like put on his coat or walk up the stairs and then he claims...I did it myself,I did it. It is pretty cute.
It amazes Jon and I the differences between raising boys and girls. It is funny to me how I have not influenced these kids one way or another but K is much more interested in playing with cars, trains, ball and bat, and other boy toys. The girls much prefer their babies and the kitchen. K is all boy in everything he does. He loves to play with a ball and bat and I just bought him a pair of hockey skates so he can try that out this winter. (don't' worry I got the girls some too!)

K is a true joy to have as my son. What a sweet, sensitive, and cute little boy. He has such a gentle soul and really thrives on being a good boy. I am so blessed to have him as my son. Naturally as his Mother, I really feel that some woman is going to be so lucky to have him as a husband some day. I mean with two sisters and a mom. How could he not be a ladies man and over all just a good ole Gentleman! God sure has been good to me to give me such a sweet and handsome little boy.


The Amazing Trips said...

Your children are beautiful and a huge congrats on winning the costume contest below!!

I stopped by for a visit from Lots of Scotts and am also the parent of (almost) 2-year old triplets. Blogging has been an awesome outlet for me (hinging on addictive!) and it really helps to keep my wide-spread family dialed in to the mayhem that is our life. Happy blogging!! :) :) :)

Jennifer said...

Nicole- Thanks so much for de-lurking! Your comments were so sweet! I have loved stopping by to check out your sweet children. Don't they just amaze you more everyday??? Thanks for giving me a chance to peek into the life of your sweet family!