Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Gate Free...Well not totally as we still have one at the top of the stairs but it is mostly used to keep cats out at night when they decide they need attention at 3 am!
Yesterday when I got home from ECFE Jon came out of his office and asked me if we really need the big long gate up anymore? I thought about it and decided that no it really was just in the way so he (with help from the kids) took the gate down. One word to describe the feeling...HEAVEN. WOW! It feels great to have that small little piece of our house back. It really made a huge difference and it is nice to know that we do not need the gates anymore. The kids seem to enjoy the new freedom as well. It is easier for them to push their strollers and shopping cart around now. I guess we should have done this a few months ago but at least it is down now and we are all enjoying it!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Congratulations!!! You are braver than I am. I still have three up and they are all primarily to block different access routes to the stairs. I know I need to do it, too....just not quite there yet.