Monday, October 16, 2006

Multi-tasking Queen!

Since I have become a mom to triplets I have really learned the art of multi-tasking! My mom took this picture this weekend when the girls wanted to play beauty shop (brush mommy's hair) and KJ wanted to read with me. This time it actually worked out well as I could read and let the girls play with my hair at the same time. However, one of the hardest parts about having triplets is when they all want me at the same time and they fight for my attention.

I feel that I do a good job to make sure I spend equal amounts of time with all of them. Jon and I try and take one with us on errands just so we can have some one on one time. I love when I get a chance to be out with just one of them. It is so much easier on me and I get to give that one child so much attention.

We have a lot of reading time on the couch were they all get to pick a book and we read all three books. They are pretty good about sharing my lap. I love those times of snuggling and reading.

I pray every day that these kids will grow up feeling that they are loved equally and that the treatment around here is fair. So far I feel Jon and I have done a pretty good job at this.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Nicole- I agree this is absolutely the hardest part of parenting...but I think it would be this way even if they were different ages. (Well, I guess you could at least expect the older ones to understand)
I like to think they are growing up to understand how to live in community--and we don't always get what we want immediately!