Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!

We had so much fun tonight. The kids really got into it this year and I had such a relaxing and fun night. We started out with some pizza for dinner with our friend Jane. Daddy had to go to school tonight so I called in some reinforcement so I did not have to do it all alone. We got the kids all dressed up and tried to take some good photos but they did not want any part of their picture being taken. I guess with three two year olds what do you expect.
We then headed out to some of the neighbor's houses. Everyone was really excited to see them. The first few houses the kids would not say anything but then once they got the hang of it they started to shout "Trick or treat"!
When we got back home "Auntie Jane" let them each have about 4 pieces of candy. They thought that was cool. Then Jane showed them how to throw the candy in the air and dance around so we all did that for awhile too.

Daddy surprised us and came home early from school so we got some time with him too.
As you can see in the pictures Aimee's eyes are really red and puffy. This is because she has pink eye right now and her eyes are sore. Poor thing. She still seemed to have a great time.
It was really fun and just what my heavy heart needed!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

They look absolutely precious!!!! I like your monkey costumes so much.