Saturday, October 07, 2006


When I first found out I was expecting triplets I secretly hoped
(on top of having three healthy babies) that they would be two boys and a girl.
I really thought that I was having all boys. I am not sure why but I guess
I just always truly thought that I would never have any girls.

So when the ultra sound technician told us that baby A was a girl I was in shock. Then you can imagine my surprise when she then told us that baby b was a girl. I remember looking over at Jon at that point and he was shuffling in his chair and I just smiled as I knew we was a little nervous about being out numbered. I still remind him that he is outnumbered as there are 3 females and 2 males in this house! :O)The girls have bonded from the start. They shared an isollett as the NICU was full and they needed the bed space for sick babies. I just love the two pictures above. It was really precious to see the girls snuggle together and I remember it making me feel a lot better about them being in there. If they only would of had one big enough so all three of them could have been together.

I never had a sister growing up but a great big brother. However, I realize now what a bond sisters can share. I am really excited for my girls to grow up together and experience so much together in life. I think that I would have loved to have had a sister the same age that I could talk to and share clothes with. Now I know that the girls won't always get along or even like each other but in the end I think they will look back and be so grateful for each other.

I tend to be such a girly girl that I think I understand now why God gave me two girls and a boy. I remember when I was pregnant one of my girlfriends told me that I was going to have girls and when I asked her why she said that she just could not picture it any other way. Aside from that she claimed that since I wore pink all the time (I love pink!) that I was growing girls in my belly.

At this point the girls leave K out of things a lot but I hope that as they get a little older they will learn to include him more. Jon and I have also discussed the possibility of having more children and although we are leaning towards not having any more children I do feel like it would be nice to give K a brother.

For now I am just so grateful for what I do have. Three wonderful, beautiful, and amazing children that continue to amaze us everyday.

To my girls. My hope to you is that you realize how blessed you are to have each other and a fabulous brother too!


The Amazing Trips said...

They are so adorable.

I too love the picture of them in the NICU together. I really wish our babies could have co-bedded while they were in the hospital. It's wonderful that your girls share such a strong bond, I hope it lasts a lifetime!

Jennifer said...

Funny, I hoped for BBG, too. I am not a girly girl and knew I needed some Little Leaguers! I wouldn't trade having a sweet girl for anyting in ther world though. God gives us what we need! :-)