Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter!

We had a wonderful Easter Weekend. We still spent a lot of time on potty training but the kids seem to be picking up on it more and more with very little accidents occurring.
Yesterday we colored our Easter Eggs. I was sure glad to have extra help around with Grandma and Great Grandma there to help. E and A loved it and K liked it but he had no patients for coloring the eggs. He wanted to put the egg in the dye and then take them out right away. He did not understand that it had to sit in the dye for awhile to get it colored. We then made some cookies with bunnies on them. The kids enjoyed helping make them but they really liked being able to eat some right out of the oven.
Easter Day we decided to go to 7:30 AM mass so the Easter Bunny came when we were at church. The kids were angels at church. I could not have asked for them to be any better. It was great and what an overwhelming sense of peace I had sitting in the front pew with my parents, grandmother, and three beautiful and well behaved children. E sat at the end of the pew during communion and said hi to everyone that walked past her. It was pretty cute.
After mass everyone kept asking the kids if the Easter Bunny had come. I told them that the Easter Bunny visited us while we were at church. Since A is really afraid of the Easter Bunny she did not want to go back to Grandma's house to find the eggs and her basket. When we got to the door at Grandmas she just stood there until we all went in to make sure there was no bunny in the house. It was pretty cute.
Daddy got home around 10:30 Easter morning and the kids were really excited to see him! They were so proud of their sticker charts and told daddy all about going on the potty.
We had a big meal after the kids woke up from their afternoon naps and it was really yummy! The kids got lots of fun treats in their Easter Basket and this kept them busy all day long.
We had such a blessed Easter! What a true blessing these children are!
Happy Easter!


Michele S said...

The Easter outfits are adorable. I just popped in to say that I am the world's longest potty trainer so I'm of no help whatsoever Really, we started LAST JULY! But they are potty trained now. You know, a year later. I put a potty training label on my blog so if you have an extra couple hours you can see how ABSOLUTELY LONG IT TOOK. Even now they still wear diapers for their naps. I guess I could take them away, but I guess I'm so glad they still nap I don't dare mess with it. Good luck and it will stop taking every single minute of your life. Almost. In a few months.

Laura said...

Your kids look PRECIOUS in their Easter outfits! Our morning at church didn't go so well, but I am glad to see next year it may be better =)

Anonymous said...

the spikey hair on KJ is cool!