Friday, April 20, 2007

Ice Cream

I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream for Ice Cream!

So this morning I told the kids that if they stayed dry the whole day at school "daycare" then we would go out for ice cream treats after dinner. Well they all stayed dry the whole day!!! Jon and I were pretty excited for them. So after dinner we loaded everyone up in the van and went to a new little ice cream shop by our house. It was a beautiful spring night here so it was a lot of fun to get out of the house and have a yummy treat.

They all talked about what color ice cream they were going to have. E wanted yellow, K wanted pink, and A wanted blue. When we got to the ice cream shop the girl behind the counter was really nice so she let us try some of the ice cream. K did not like the strawberry but E's eyes lit up when she took a bite so she had a scoop of strawberry. A was set on blue so she ordered what they call superman ice cream. It was bright blue and yellow. K could not decide so I ordered him a scoop of Oreo cookie and he ate every last bite of it. A not only ate her entire scoop but E also fed A some of her strawberry ice cream. A also finished off Daddy's waffle cone and some of mommy's frozen yogurt. At one point A had two spoons and two different cups of ice cream. Then she had a cone in one hand and a spoon in the other so she would lick the cone and then take a spoonful out of her bowl. It was really funny to watch her. She even tipped the bowl up at the end to get the last few drops of ice cream. Daddy told her that she should eat her dinner that way too!

As we were sitting there tonight I thought to myself how nice it is to be able to take the kids out for ice cream and all the other fun stuff we can do with them now that they are a little older. It is bitter sweet to watch the baby years leave us but I know that we have so much fun ahead of us and that is what I look forward to. It was a fun night, a little messy but a whole lot of fun!

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