Thursday, April 05, 2007


Today I have decided to post a very important message:

On May 6th, 2007 the Erickson 5 (depending on the weather it might be Jon and I) will be participating in the MS Walk. This will be our 9th year participating in the walk. We have a team called The Walkin Maniacs and we all have so much fun. The walk used to be 17 Miles but they have shortened it now to 9 miles. This is a little more realistic for me.

I talked about having my two year MRI done in this post From these tests I found out that the disease has progressed but my health still seems to be fine. This was not great news and I was down and out about it. Jon and I both fear what this disease could mean for not only myself but our family in the future.

This year it feels even more important to raise money for the MS Society. The National Multiple Sclerosis Society is dedicated to ending the devastating effects of MS but they can't do it without our help. It's faster and easier than ever to support this cause that's so important to me and my family. Simply click here. You just need to type in my name Nicole Erickson and make sure you select the Nicole Erickson that goes with the Walkin Maniacs team.

Any amount, great or small, helps to make a difference in the lives of people with MS. Thanks in advance for your support! I really appreciate it.

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