Saturday, December 22, 2007

The Car Wash...

The other night Jon and I were fortunate enough to get a night out with my family to go to dinner and the Theater. Our friend Sue Babysat for us so we were kid free. However, on the way to drop the kids off Jon decided that he wanted to wash the van so it would be clean for our night out.
At first, I was a little nervous how that would go with the kids in the car because when I was a little girl I was extremely afraid of the car wash. I mean I just hated it! When I mentioned this to Jon he insisted that we still go to the car wash and then told me it was all about the presentation. Jon then proceeded to dance around and told the kids we were headed to the car wash.
So we pulled into the car wash and Jon gave the kids the play by play of what was happening at the car wash. When the wash part started happening Ella was not sure if she should laugh or cry but she then giggled because both Jon and I were talking it up so much and giggling.
After the car wash the kids talked about it all the way to Sue's house. Aimee did not want to do it again unless she could sit next to Ella and hold her hand. Kendrick wanted to go back right away and do it again. In fact, he asked Sue if she would take him to the car wash.
Once again, it was another new thing to these kids. It is so much fun to see the world through their eyes.

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