Saturday, December 01, 2007

Flu Shots

Today we headed over to the doctors office to get our flu shots.  Daddy was not able to make it so our friend Jane came with us.  We talked a little beforehand about getting the shots and they all told me they would be brave.  
When we got to the clinic, we got called back right away.  Kendrick volunteered to go first.  Everything was fine until he got the shot.  He then started to cry and had the saddest look on his face.  I told him that he was such a brave boy and that Daddy was going to be so proud.  He quickly got over it and went back to playing with the Etch a sketch.  
The nurse then asked who would be next, and Aimee shouted out that Ella was next.  However, since Ella is Star of the day, I told Aimee that she was going to go next.  She was a little scared but she was brave and I held her hands while the nurse gave her the shot.  Aimee immediately cried and could not stop for a good 15 minutes.  After Aimee was done then it was Ella's turn.  She started throwing a fit the minute Aimee started crying from her shot.   
Ella FREAKED out on me and I was a little nervous.  She started running around the room screaming "no, no, no" over and over again.  The poor thing was scared to death.  It really broke my heart to watch her but I knew if I showed any signs of emotion that it would be all over with so I just picked her up and set her on the table.  It was a struggle but I finally just laid on top of her and told her that I loved her very much and it was for her own good.  The nurse gave the shot and it was done.  We had two little girls that had very hurt feelings and could not stop crying but the shots were done.  THANK GOD!  
I just kept telling them how brave they were and how Daddy was going to be so proud of them.  What an experience.  Shots are no fun but we all survived and now we are done with that.  Hopefully next year they can have the nose spray.  

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