Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Snowy Days

We have had a ton of snow so far this year. Today was another snowy day around here. After the kids woke up from their naps, I decided it was time to get dressed up and head outside in the snow. We were out for over an hour and we had such a blast. We spent a lot of time sledding down our hill, playing on our play set, making angels, and sledding down our driveway! The girls even got themselves dressed! That was awesome. We had so much fun! I can already tell that Jon and I are going to have so much fun this winter with all the fun activities we can try. I think Ice Skating might be first on the list!!!! I have been having a hard time getting into the "Holiday" Season. I am not sure if it is because it feels like it got here so early or what but I just have not really been feeling it. However, today after we put the Christmas lights on the tree, I listened to some Christmas music as I made some cookies, and then I spent an hour outside in the snow with the kids, I now feel the season. I am so excited for Christmas this year. These kids talk about Santa everyday and they tell me that they want "EVERYTHING" from him! It is so much fun to see the Season through their eyes. They are growing up so fast right before our eyes. For now I am just trying to soak everything in because I know I will look back on these years and really relish in their memory. Today as I sat at the top of the hill and the snow fell all around us, I watch all three of my little people play in the yard. It was one of those moments that I will remember forever. I am so proud of them and how big they are getting. I look back on the past 3.5 years and remember all of the "firsts" we have had along with some of the struggles. It feels great to be exactly where we are at right now. I now can see with clarity that every age and stage brings its ups and downs. I am so excited for all the memories we still have to make together and I am so grateful for all that I have. Life is good...really, really good!


Casey's trio said...

Look at those rosy cheeks! How fun it must be to have that snow in your own backyard. Hope your holiday season in a great one!

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