Tuesday, December 18, 2007


A few weeks ago some friends of ours gave us some "hand me down" Halloween costumes. One of these happens to be a Spiderman. This morning, when they were playing dress up, Aimee put on the Spiderman costume. Kendrick then asked his daddy, "Why does Spiderman save people when they are in trouble?" In which Jon replied "Because he is a good superhero". Then Aimee piped up and said "I don't want to be good, I'm a naughty Spiderman" then as she ran off to play with her brother and sister she said "watch out guys here comes Naughty Spiderman"!


The other night when we were tucking the kids in at Grandma's house, we were going through the usual lecture about going to bed nice and being good. Grandma then heard Kendrick whisper to Aimee "We have to be good or Santa won't come" Then Aimee replied "Well, I don't like Santa"!


This morning when I was getting ready to head to a meeting for work Ella came into the bathroom all dressed up with her baby and cheer leading costume on and said "Look at me mommy"! I told her she looked like a "Cool Mommy" in which she replied, "Soon I am going to be a Pretty Mommy too"!



Jennifer said...

Just checking in on you. Are your kids as hyped up as mine? Holy cow!!!
I am so jealous of your snow. My children have still never seen it!!!!

Jennifer said...

P.S. Merry Christmas!