Thursday, February 19, 2009


This is the phrase that my Personal Trainer that I just started working with said to me over and over. Every time he said it, I felt more empowered by my strength and ability. Just after the Holidays, I decided to take advantage of a package deal for some personal training at the Gym I work out at.
I have been dedicated to working out for as long as I can remember. I have always been very conscious about eating right and working out and now I am at a point where if I don't get my work out in, then I get a little cranky and then Jon reminds me to get to the gym. I would not say that I am addicted to working out but I would say that I do need it for the endorphins it releases and how great it makes me feel.
Hearing from the personal trainer that I am not a rookie has helped me to realize that all the hard work I have put into working out has paid off. I am stronger than I gave myself credit. That feels great. I just purchased some more sessions from Jim as I really like how he has helped me turn my work outs around. I have a new energy now when I head to the gym and with all the stress I have had lately that is just what I need. As the famous phrase goes..."I am here to Pump You Up"!

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