Monday, December 11, 2006

In Trouble Already!!!

This afternoon the girls got up early from their nap. I should say E got up early from her nap and proceeded to yell A's name at the top of her lungs until A woke up too! Anyway, they were helping me with the laundry so I would have them match the socks and then put the folded clothes in to the basket. This was actually more work for me but they thought they were such big girls helping me out.

To get to the point of my story I held up the Yellow pair of footed PJ's and asked who's they were. E immediately screamed "MINE" (Her favorite color is yellow so naturally anything yellow is hers). A said "NO MINE" and they proceed to shout at each other for at least a minute. I had a vision into the future about them fighting over clothes, boys, shoes, etc.. YIKES!

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