Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Transition # 1 Complete

So I have been telling people that we have three big transitions to do with the kids after the 1st of the year. The big switch from cribs to bed, potty training, and as we tried earlier getting rid of binkers.
Since I am not able to lift the kids for a period of time due to the surgery, yesterday, we made the decision to transfer them to toddler beds. I just held my breath as I was not sure and a little uneasy about how it would all work out. I have heard horror stories from lots of multiple moms about this transition.
However, I am happy to report (knock on wood) that we have been through one nap period and the through the night with no problems. They are very proud of their big beds. They have all taken turns sneaking upstairs in the past day to lay on their new beds. It felt great to take their cribs down and pack them up. Although, I have to say that it was bittersweet as my babies are not really my babies anymore as they are getting to be my big kids.

In fact, the other day I called one of them baby and my nephew who is 6 informed me "they are not babies anymore Aunt Nicole". I told him that they are my babies! So as much as I want to hold on to time and take in everything I can, they will always keep growing and changing. They will continue to amaze us everyday and for that we are so grateful.
So one transition down and two to go. Hopefully the next two will go as easy as this one has gone. Sweet dreams!


Jennifer said...

Sigh. It made me sad to read this...We are facing 2 of your 3 transitions (potty & bed) and I am not looking forward to letting my babies go either! I am so pleased to hear your good report. That is so encouraging! And their room looks absolutely adorable!!!

The Amazing Trips said...

Oh, this is GOOD news!! We just split our kids up in to two separate rooms this past weekend, and that has gone splendidly. I'm not looking forward to the bed transition, though. I want to wait at least a few more months...

The room looks great!