Thursday, December 28, 2006

St. Anthony

So I have been missing my wedding ring since Labor Day. I took it off when Jon and I went camping so I would not lose it camping and we knew it came home with us but we could not find it anywhere. We had a delivery guy in our house that same week we got home so we thought that maybe he had taken it but we would never accuse anyone with out being sure.

I have been so bummed out about this as I knew Jon took a lot of time picking out my diamond and it meant a lot to me. So for Christmas when Jon asked me what I would like I told him a new diamond. So he went out and picked out a new diamond for me and it is beautiful but for some reason when I opened it up I just did not feel right about it.

When I was laying in the hospital with a lot of time to think I remember I prayed really hard to St. Anthony to find me ring. I just felt like it was such a waste to get a new one even if it was covered by the insurance. When I got home I did not think much more about it and I was trying to fall in love with my new diamond ring. Until last night....

I was cleaning out the closet looking for something else that I have misplaced when all of a sudden I looked down and in between my shoe rack and another bin lay my watch and my wedding ring. I think I stopped breathing.... I got up and brought the ring downstairs and dangled it in front of Jon's face. He could not believe it. We both thought that ring was long gone. So Jon is going to take the new diamond back to the store. We are sure this diamond will make someone else happy some day but for me I am just so grateful I found my wedding ring again! St. Anthony works Miracles, now if I could just find that gift!

1 comment:

The Amazing Trips said...

St. Anthony, St. Anthony ... please come around .... !!!

Yay! I'm so happy to hear that you found your ring, what an awesome surprise for you!!!