Tuesday, December 26, 2006


We had so much fun yesterday! From the minute we woke up it was a blast. The kids were really excited about what Santa brought and then the whole family moved into the living room to open up other gifts. I kept reminding them that it was so nice that Baby Jesus shared his birthday with us and they all agreed.
Here is a picture of all of us before we sang Happy Birthday to baby Jesus! Big thanks for Grandma E for making the cake! As you can see K was ready to eat...

So I am struggling a bit with this laying around and recovering thing....

I am the type of person that is always going 500 MPH at everything. This has been challenging for me to be in the hospital and now at home with a million things going on and having to have everyone else take care of it for me. When I think about what happened with being sick, it truly was perfect timing. I mean we were getting ready to leave town for the holidays and so I could have gotten sick on the road. I had just finished my Master's the week before so it could have interfered with getting that complete so as I said, it was perfect timing. God has a way to make things work out and I have to say that his timing on this one was perfect. The more I think about it I come to the conclusion that this is a sign to me that I need to SLOW DOWN! So for now I am going to take it easy and be the QUEEN around here so I can get some rest and I can come back with a vengeance when the time it right.

1 comment:

The Amazing Trips said...

... and a lovely queen do you make! :)