Monday, May 21, 2007


The bottom bird is E's Bird!
Everyday, Jon and I witness more and more that these kids are growing up faster than we can blink our eyes. Tonight at dinner E wanted to give Daddy the bird picture that she made for him at School today. She went and got on of the birds and gave to him. The bird she picked out was A's as it had her name on the back. Jon and I noticed this right away and we just smiled at each other. E then went and got the other bird and she said"
Wait a minute Daddy, I gave you Meme's bird because I used all darker colors on mine. She then proceeded to tell Jon all of the colors on her bird.
We were both so surprised that she knew they were all Darker colors and then that she knew exactly what colors they were.

One side note, I asked her which color was her favorite and she told me "Black"! She is funny that little girl!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well we havent had a "goth" neighbor since Leah O'Fallon used to babysit the kids.... maybe Ella will go goth? hahahahaha!!