Sunday, May 13, 2007


While Jon and I escaped for our mini vacation to NYC, Grandma had the kids. On Friday night, Uncle T, Grandma, and our friend J took the kids to the MOA for some rides and then they all went out for dinner.

I hate to blog about this as I do not want to Jinx them but the kids are usually really well behaved when we go out to eat with them. We have had many people compliment us on their behavior while at restaurants. Of course, we have had our moments but for the most part they are good kids.

Friday night was no exception to this. The kids did a great job during dinner. Uncle T said there was a table of older women nearby that were consistently watching and commenting on the kids. He said these women waited to leave until my mom, the kids, J, and T were ready to leave.
As they were walking out, one of the ladies pulled Uncle T aside and told him this:

"Your children were so well behaved during dinner tonight and I am really impressed. My father passed away a few years ago but he had a tradition of giving children who behaved in restaurants a dollar for being good. I would like you to take these $3 and put them in the kids piggy banks for future use".

Uncle T was so dumbfounded that all he could do was smile and say thank you!
I think this is an incredible story so I wanted to blog about it. It makes Jon and I feel good to know that our kids are so impressive. It made Grandma M and Uncle T proud too. What a feel good memory! I certainly will pay that one forward some day.

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