Monday, January 21, 2008

Lil' Chefs

There has been a lot of interest around here lately with cooking and baking. These kids ask on a daily basis if they can help me cook or bake something. Even though this can make life a lot harder for me with developing the patience and the extra clean up, I know that it is good for the kids to help with the cooking. I secretly hope that this will also aid in getting them to eat a little better. I figure if they give a hand in preparing the food then hopefully, they will be more likely to try the food. I am not a great cook. My mother is an excellent cook but when I was growing up, I never took an interest in it and now if just feels like I don't have a lot of time for it. However, this is on my list of things that I am working on. I want to get more comfortable in the kitchen so when my children are grown and bring their families home, I can make some awesome meals for all of them. One of the favorite games to play right now is restaurant. They love to take your order and then go and make the food. The funny thing is that they will ask you what you would like and then when you tell them, they will usually say "We don't have that"! It is fun to watch them get all excited about making the pretend food and then serving it up to you.
Grandpa Al was sure proud of his three little chefs. The kids spent the majority of the evening running back and forth to get all the pretend food everyone was ordering. We all took turns going to their restaurant and ordering up food. They even got our friend Jane down on the floor to eat at their restaurant.

My Grandparents built a restaurant back when my mother was a baby. They ran that business for many years and the restaurant still stands and runs today with the same name. I am sure they are up in heaven smiling down on these kids playing restaurant! Who knows, maybe they will be chefs one day and then they can prepare and serve the family meals!

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