Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Perspecitve from the Backseats

Last night as I was driving the kids home from an afternoon of fun at Sue's House, they started to talk to me about what Red, Yellow, and Green mean.
It all started when Ella asked me what Yellow meant. It took me awhile to catch on but then I realized what she was talking about. I then explained that Yellow meant proceed with caution (okay in reality most of the time it means speed up to get through the light). Then KJ piped up that Green means GO and Red means stop. For the rest of the drive home I had all three kids yelling at my from the backseat what I should be doing. This was funny for about 2 minutes until Ella started to get upset that I was not following her rules (telling me to stop at Green and Go at Red) it turned ugly quick.
Ella proceeded to argue with me about what color the lights were and what I should be doing. Considering it was bed time and I was exhausted not to mention that the kids were exhausted too this was not fun. Anyway, the crying and fussing by Ella was going on for a few minutes and then KJ piped up from his car seat and said "Ella, PLEASE" This is exactly what I would say to her when I want her to stop fussing, crying, or throwing a temper tantrum. I laughed so hard when I heard him say this that I pulled the car into the garage and sat for a minute to compose myself. It was really funny!
The things these kids pick up, it is seriously like looking right into a mirror!

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