Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Lucky Number 3

I heard this term today from a book on tape I am listening to and it struck a cord. For us, 3 is a lucky number. It seems that lately, I have been noticing a lot of reaction about having triplets.
I guess it does seem a big deal to people that don't live it everyday so I try and be polite to people and there reactions. However, sometimes it just strikes a cord with me on how clueless or insensitive people can be about the things they say or even just their reactions.
For example, we have our kids in swimming lessons and my three are the only kids in the class. Their teacher Ms. M is wonderful and it really appears that she enjoys having them in class. The very first day of class she told me that none of the other teachers wanted to take the triplets so she volunteered. I really did not want to hear that no one wanted to teach our kids but I just blew it off. My kids are good kids. They behave and they listen to the teacher. I do not believe that they would be hard to have in class and from what I see they always have good sessions and they are making great progress. However, after class is over Mrs. M always makes a comment to me why her and her husband stopped at two (kids) and she acts like they are so much work.
This really bugs me for more than one reason but the biggest reason is that it is not that Jon and I had a choice about how we were given our kids. I believe that we have what we have because that is what God thought would be best for us. With that being said, if I could do it all over again and I had a choice, I would not change a thing! I can't imagine my life any other way.When we first found out we were expecting triplets, I remember that we were excited, nervous, scared out of our minds, and anxious about the future. At that time I think I just stuck my head in the sand and said a lot of prayers. However, I do remember peoples reactions to our news of having triplets. It was mostly positive but also some negative.
We have some friends in particular that I just could not be around anymore. All they would talk about was how we were going to afford this and do that. It was very frustrating and it made me very anxious. I have learned since then that no matter what everything just always works itself out. We did afford the diapers and formula, we are making it all work out from activities to preschool bills. I also learned that instead of worrying about all of them turning 16 and getting their drivers licenses on the same day, I just need to worry about what we are going to have for dinner tomorrow night. It is worthless to worry about stuff that is so far into the future and I simply have no control over.
Tonight we went to a local private school to visit the preschool there to see if we have any interest for next year. I was once again shocked at how much attention was given to us. A lot of stares and comments. Being in a situation like that always makes me feel like we are from outer space. Even the principal of the school came up to me to ask me "how do you do it everyday?" in which I smiled and said "it is such a blessing"! I fear that as my kids get older they will start to notice the stares and the comments. I dread the day that being a triplet makes them feel different or weird.Now I am the first to admit that having triplets and bring three very small and very needed babies home from the hospital was not a walk in the park. Truly, I do not remember a lot of the baby stage. Those many nights of getting up at midnight and again at 4 AM for the feedings were hard. I look back on those days and I think that Jon and I really bonded during that time. We were such a great team but it was hard...it was really really hard.
I do remember always being so envious of all my girlfriends that were having one baby at a time and all the love and attention they could give that baby. I am still envious of that and I think that is what drives me to want another baby. I would love to have the one on one experience. Lately though all of those girlfriends are on to their second and third babies and they are now struggling with how to manage more than one kid. This is where life is easier for us. When we are done with a stage we are done and then we move on. Not to mention that our kids always have someone to play with and experience life with.
I wish I was a triplet! I would have loved to have two other siblings the same age going through the same stuff. Jon and I have discussed at length the dynamics of being a triplet. We both agree that there will be times in their lives that they hate being a triplet but there will also be times that they love it. We believe that they will look back on their lives and in the end they will appreciate the bond they have with each other.
I don't want to just focus on the negative though, as there have been a lot of sweet and encouraging comments from people. One day a lady at the grocery store came up and asked me if they were all my babies. When I explained that they were triplets she smiled and said "God must really trust you to give you a blessing like that"!
I also find that a lot of older men are fascinated by the triplets and I love when they smile and reply with comments like "awesome" or "adorable" or "You are so lucky"!I have to say that I could not agree more. Three is a very lucky number. Jon and I still scratch our heads in disbelief on how we ever got so lucky to have three healthy, amazing, and wonderful kids. We often joke that we won the "baby" lottery. God is good, really, really, really good!


Laura said...

I fully understand what you are saying. People can be so clueless with some of their remarks. But we ARE so very blessed. There is not a day that goes by that I am thankful for being able to see the interaction and love these kids have. It is sad that most think it is a burden, when it is literally three times the joy most days.

Anonymous said...

this is: Your.Best. Blog. Ever.

Anonymous said...

Grandma Mary says-great post brings back a lot of memories!

Denise said...

Thanx for your condolences on my blog. You have a beautiful family.

Krissy said...

A beautiful post, and a great perspective.

Malena said...

It feels like this post was written by myself. Although I am not as good with words as you. I totally feel the same way. I feel blessed to know that there are people out there who truly know what it's like to have triplets, our fellow triplet parents, where there is no need to explain anything...

Kelli said...

What a great (and well written!) post!

This is my first time visiting your blog, and I really enjoyed reading it. Your trio are just so cute!!!!!

- Kelli

Totallyscrappy said...

No kidding!! I think there is an underlying message that is prevelant in our society: children=work & sacrifice. And if you have three children then you must have three times the work and sacrifice.
I have three boys that are close in age and I've heard all sorts of negative comments that I try to think were really just a stab at a stranger's (and some not-so-strangerish) attempt to be social or funny.
Being kinda sarcastic I found myself laughing it off with an eyeroll or making a return comment. And then I got to thinking that my children could hear me and I want them to know that they are precious to me... even when they are work and sacrifice. And I made a decision to only make positive comments in return to other people's comments. (Even when the sarcasm was about to pour from every orifice!)
Over at Lotsofscotts.blogspot.com she has a subtitle that says something about my hands are full, but so is my heart. How true.
May God continue to bless you and your family.