Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Weird Virus

Yesterday, we had ECFE class and when I went to get the kids out of the gym after Parent Education time, KJ was laying on the mat. He came over to me holding his head and told me that he was not feeling very good. He said that he wanted to go home "RIGHT NOW"! He did not even want to walk out to the car so I carried him half way until my arms got tired.
Once we got home, he curled up on the couch and he was moaning that he did not feel good. I took his temp and he had a low grade fever so I gave him some Motrin and he went fast asleep. He woke up about an hour later and he seemed to be a little better but not quite 100%. Then he went down hill again. This time I gave him some more medicine and that did not seem to help at all. It was very alarming how sick he appeared so I called the doctor. They wanted us to come in so off we went to the doctor.
Once we got to the doctor KJ took a turn for the worst and both the doctor and myself were equally concerned about him. He just laid in my arms and he was lethargic. We did all sorts of tests on him but everything came back normal. As his mother, I was very concerned as I had never seen him so sick.
While I was at the doctor my mom called to tell me that Ella had spiked a fever so we headed home to take care of her too. I braced myself for a long night of sick kids. Ella was up most of the night and Kendrick did okay but he was up a few times too. The amazing thing about all of this is that when both of them got up this morning, it was like nothing had ever happened. They were both back to normal, hungry, and happy! What a weird virus that was!
So I am sorry to the Stac(e)y's that I was supposed to meet out. I was so sad that it did not work out as I was so looking forward to catching up! So far Aime seems fine so we are all happy about that. Sick kids is always hard and never any fun!

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