Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My Little Gemini's

Okay so I know I do not have "babies" anymore but I thought this was interesting. Here is my kids horoscope..It looks like being a "go-go" mom was/is the right thing to do with these kids. We are always on the go. They also LOVE to read!

Gemini: May 21-June 21

The Twins

Your babies are blessed with quick, engaged minds and they need constant stimulation. Read to them several times a day, and make sure you have lots of little objects (rattles, squishy toys) for them to play with. Satisfy their natural curiosity -- and fend off restlessness -- with pop-up toys, puppet shows, storytime at the library, and frequent field trips (such as to the supermarket or a fish store). A true chatterbox, your little ones may be the first in their baby groups to speak. Even if it sounds like gibberish, pay attention: In their minds, they always has something crucial to say.

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