Sunday, January 14, 2007


Before I go to bed every night I always go in and make sure the kids are all tucked into their beds. I cover them up and remove all of the books from their beds that they were reading before they fell asleep. Sometimes I will also remove some of the stuffed animals that they have snuggled in bed with them to. I do this to give them some more room in their little toddler beds.
The other night I woke up at 3 AM to go to the bathroom. On my way back to bed I thought I would check in on the kids. When I went into their room I found that the stuffed animals were back in all of the beds, the books that I had put on the floor were piled on A and K, and E was sleeping sideways in her bed! I went back into our room and woke Jon up (bless his heart that he did not kill me for this one) and asked him if he had put all of that stuff back in their beds before he went to bed. He said that he had not. I was so confused by this because I swore that those kids did not get out of their beds in the middle of the night. I guess I was wrong.
It is funny to me how it took me a few days to grasp that they were up in the night when they were supposed to be sleeping. I guess it is possible that they are up in the night even when we are sleeping. I guess it is a good lesson to make sure we keep the upstairs gate closed at night so someone doesn't wonder downstairs to watch a little TV or sneak some candy! :O)


Laura said...

That is funny! How nice that they keep it quiet for you all, though. =)

Anonymous said...

I bet it was only Ella who was awake, since all the toys were piled on her womb-mates!! sounds like something my kids would have done when they were wee ones!