Saturday, January 06, 2007

Our Road To Triplets (Part 2)

At this point Jamie, the nurse practitioner knew the predicament that we were in with the insurance and she felt sorry for us. She then informed me that their was a compassionate care drug donation program for the drug she wanted me to start taking. She told us that she was going to get us signed up for it. We then got three months of the drug for free so we decided at that point to try it for one month and if it did not work then we were going to take a break for awhile.
The drug was horrible as it made me feel weird. Jon had to give me shots (which he was used to from the MS meds) and I was a nervous wreck about the whole thing. At this same time we would see Jamie every day for ultra sounds so she could monitor how many eggs I was going to release. On D-day we went to the clinic and had Artificial Insemination done. Jamie showed us Jon's stuff under the microscope and it was really cool to see all the sperm swimming around. Jon then proceeded to walk down the hallway with his chest puffed out exclaiming that the world could only be so lucky. All of the nurses had a good chuckle over this one.
So after the procedure we once again started the waiting game. It was only two weeks but it felt like forever. This time I felt different but I was sure it was just the new medications that I had been taking. The Sunday before the Wed that marked the two week point I woke up around 5 am and I could not fall back to sleep. I quietly went into the bathroom grabbed one of my many pregnancy tests that I had stored away and headed down stairs. I took the test and then curled up on the couch to watch some TV while I waited for 10 minutes to look at the results. Then the moment came...I turned the test over and for the first time there were two lines. I was numb I just sat there for a long time staring at the stick trying to convince myself that there really were two lines and I was not just imagining it.
I waited for awhile and then I quietly went back upstairs with my test and crawled in bed. I was so nervous to even talk about the positive test that when I nudged Jon to tell him I said "what are you doing?" He said..."uh sleeping". We both have a good chuckle about this one. Anyway, then I told him "we should get up and go to church because I think we have a lot to be thankful for" he was confused until I handed him the stick. He flew out of bed and turned the light on and he verified that yes there were two lines on that stick!
We decided that we were not going to tell a single person about that test until I had a chance to call Jamie the next morning to verify what we found. It was hard not to tell my mom as she had been going down the infertility road with us. The next morning when I called Jamie all the air went out of my sails when she explained to me that it could be a false positive because of the meds that I had been taking. She then told me that I should wait and come in on Wed morning for a blood test at the office. It is fair to say that I think I took at least a dozen pregnancy tests between Monday and Wednesday morning and every single one of them was positive.
The big day came and I went in for my test. She told me she would call me at the office the minute the test results came back later that morning. I was such a nervous wreck...then the phone rang, it was Jamie and she said the tests were all right I was pregnant! She then proceeded to tell me that all my hormone levels looked normal so she was sure it was just one baby. I scheduled another appointment for Friday so I could go back in to make sure all the hormone levels were progressing. Fridays test came back and the numbers progressing the right way and Jamie said everything looked very normal. We then scheduled an appointment for two weeks later to have an ultra sound to make sure the baby looked normal and to see the heart beat. To be continued....

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

This is all so familiar...So FUN to read!