Saturday, January 06, 2007

Playdate with the D Family

So I am taking a break from the Road Trip To Triplets story to blog about our play date with another set of triplets. They are three boys who are exactly 14 days younger than our trio. The mom and I were bed rest buddies as we had met through the local multiples club and both ended up on bed rest at the same time.

This was our 4th or 5th play date together and it is so much fun. They played I-Spy, ring around the Rosie, hog pile daddy Jon, and so much more. We always have such a great time. Here are some photos from this evening and other play dates we have had.
This is a picture of the very 1st E&D Play date!
This is a picture of our play date this summer!
Here is a picture of the E & D play date tonight. Boy all these kids are growing up fast!

Hog pile on Daddy Jon!

Daddy Jon playing Ring around the Rosie with all of the kids!

Hiding in the Kitchen for I-Spy!

Playing Cut the Pickle

E with one of the D boys.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what the heck is "cut the pickle" ???