Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep....

So now that we are in big beds, Daddy taught them how to kneel and pray to God. It is the sweetest site EVER! They really get into praying to God before going to bed.

Here is the prayer we always say before bed:
Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the lord my soul to keep, the Angels watch me through the night until I wake to morning Light. Amen.

Also, for Christmas we received a daily devotional prayer book for children and we say a prayer from that each night as well. After we say all of our prayers then we name everyone we want to pray for and it is so fun to hear who they say every night.

We always end our prayers with "Yeah God"


Laura said...

That is the sweetest thing I have EVER seen! Thank you for sharing that with me, it made my heart pitter patter.

Jennifer said...

ADORABLE!!!!! We pray on our knees here too, after eading a little toddler devotional book. My kids always thank God for their toys...oh, well, we'll get there!
Precious, precious pictures!!!