Friday, January 05, 2007

Our Road To Triplets (Part 1)

Since I have becoming more comfortable with this blog stuff I have decided to document our road to Triplets. Thanks to Lots of Scotts for the great idea!
I will never forget my 26th birthday on July 31, 2001, as that is the first time that Jon told me he wanted to start a family. I thought he was crazy as I was clearly not on that road yet. However, from that conversation I did start to think about having a family and what it would be like to be pregnant and a mother. I always knew I wanted kids but I had to really think about the changes they would bring to our life.
The next year I was feeling more ready and both Jon and I agreed that it was time to start a family. However, for us it was not that easy as I had to go off the medications that I was taking for my Multiple Sclerosis (another story for another day). The doctor gave me the all clear and I stopped the medication. Jon and I were disappointed when after the first three months of trying nothing was happening. However, we were busy moving into our house and focused on other things.
Another month went by and I went to see the OBGYN because still nothing was happening for us. She suggested that I start Taking Clomid at this time and warned me that it would increase my chances of having multiples. I remember this day clearly as it kind of spooked me a little and I remember Jon laughed about it. I also remember that the same day this appointment took place, I also had school that evening. After class a classmate and I were talking to our professor about something and the professor said to me something in regards to "Twins". I was so shocked that I asked him to repeat what he said and he repeated this "Like when you have your twins someday"! I was so stunned and I laughed and asked him what made him think that I would have "Twins". He just smiled at me and told me that he just had a feeling that I would be the mother of "Twins" someday. If this was not God foreshadowing my life for me I am not sure what is. Still Jon just laughed about the multiples thing when I told him this story about what my professor said.
We started the Clomid and weekly ultra sounds to monitor what was going on and nothing was happening. After 6 months of Clomid the Nurse Practitioner (Jamie) suggested we go on some stronger medication. However, at this same time the insurance company had dropped us for any further infertility treatments or medications. Since Jon was laid off and looking for work there was some big decisions to be made. To be continued...

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I am so glad you started writing this. You'll be glad you did (and your kids definitely will be). I had no idea you have MS. My sister in law who just moved from MN also has MS. I am assuming you are on a plataeu. Doesn't pregnancy sometimes complicate MS? I have so many questions. I am glad this is only part 1.