Saturday, January 06, 2007

Our Road To Triplets (Part 3)

We had so much fun telling our parents and siblings that we were expecting. I know most people wait to tell anyone that they are pregnant until they are 3 months along but Jon and I had been working on it for so long that there is no way we could have kept it a secret. Our families and friends were thrilled for us.
Jon and I discussed many times in the next two weeks waiting for our ultra sound the what ifs about if there would be more than one baby. Neither of us really believed that there would be more than one baby because Jamie had told us that the hormone levels were all very normal. I was such a nervous wreck the day of the ultra sound as I was so afraid that they would tell me the baby had disappeared or that something was not right.
Unfortunately the ultra sound technician we had that day did not have very good bedside manner. However, once we were called back I was instructed to put on a robe and as I was doing this Jon and I were looking at ultra sounds on the wall that showed what one baby looked like and then what twins looked like. The ultra sound tech then came in and got to work. She did not offer me a screen to look at right away but Jon could see everything on the screen. He kept walking back and forth from the screen to the chair and he seemed nervous as he could see that there was more than one heartbeat. Finally after what felt like forever (probably only 5 minutes) the ultra sound tech told me that I would need to come back in 10 days as she could not fully see what she wanted to see. I remember feeling crushed at this statement. She then turned the screen toward me and said "let me show you what I do see, there are three heartbeats and four Sacks" WHAT three heart beats? She then proceeded to show Jon and I Baby A, B, & C and their little hearts beating. I was in shock, I could not believe what I was seeing or hearing from her. Then after she printed off a picture of our three Sacks she exclaimed to me "I don't know where you are going to put all of them as you are not a very big person but you are having triplets" This comment freaked me out because I did not know what she meant. I was not big enough to have triplets? Would I explode? We were then brought out to the waiting room and told to wait so we could meet with the doctor.
So here we are in a waiting room with a dozen people in it waiting to see the doctor after we had just received the biggest news of our lives. Jon just kept giggling through it all. He thought it was great! I on the other hand was totally freaked out. Then Jon leans over and says to me "I guess that answers what kind of vehicle we are going to get...a minivan" this sends me into to tears as Jon and I swore we would never drive a mini van.
The doctor appointment did not go all that great either. First, the nurse calls us back and then tells me that I need to urinate in a cup to determine that I was pregnant! WHAT? I then explained to her that I was just told I was expecting triplets from the ultra sound Tech and there was no way I was going to pee in a cup she argued with me about it but I won that fight in the end. Then the doctor came in to speak with us. We had never met this doctor before as the person we usually would see was not available. This doctor proceeded to tell me how hard it was to carry triplets and that I would be on bed rest for most of my pregnancy. She told us that the chances of having three healthy babies were slim and that we should consider selective reduction. Needless to say, we left the doctors office that day feeling very confused. We scheduled another ultra sound for 10 days later.
We immediately drove over to my parents house as my Grandmother was in town for the Thanksgiving holiday and this was two days before Thanksgiving. We walked into my parents house and I told me mom and my grandma that they both better sit down. Once they were sitting I exclaimed that we were expecting triplets and then I broke down and started to cry. My mother was sooo excited as she was jumping up and down. I think my Grandma was to stunned to move as she just sat there in disbelief. My mom asked me why I was crying and I told her that I did not know I think I was just really confused about the whole situation. I was really happy that we were pregnant but it was just so shocking to think about three babies and what that meant. My mom made me call my dad who was on his way home from work so I could tell him the big news. He was happy but shocked like everyone else. I then had to go off to school but I should have just stayed home as I could not focus on anything but the thought of triplets!
So a week or so went by and Jon and I started to get used to the idea of having three babies and then we went in for our second ultra sound... To be continued....

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